A Large Box Arrangement box arrangement that includes Orchids, Roses, Lilies, Delphinium, Dahlias, Snap Dragon, Mum Chrysanthemums and a selection of lush foliage that includes the ever popular eucalyptus gum. The use of a very striking colour pallette hot pink, purples and white makes for a stunning centrepeice that will be the envy of all!! A suitable Valentine's day gift
It comes in two sizes Executive (pictured) and Regal
Executive, proudly stands at approximately 95cm tall and 55cm wide it will require area to place it in.
Regal, we add lots more roses and flowers, making it bigger and fuller again. This is one of our largest arrangements, you will definitely be gob smacked by this one!
Same day delivery Sydney, Western Sydney when ordered before 12pm or you can Pick up in-store @ Horsley Park.