This is one of our most popular designer arrangements.
It includes 20 stems of premium Austarlian grown roses, chrysanthemums, phalaenopsis orchids and a selection foliage, some of which are painted gold and then carefully arranged to put the finishing touches to make this stunning designer pot arrangement. If you want the WOW factor, then this is the arrangement for you!
Available ONLY in one size, Regal, when finished the arrangement stands an impressive 600mm tall, x 500mm wide (approx) and the alluminium gold pot's size is 160mm w x 150mm h.
Golden Designer Arrangement Delivered
Delivery same day to most suburbs Sydney metro, Horsley Park, Bossley Park, Edensor Park, Wetherill Park, St John's Park, Mt Pritchard, Middleton Grange, Prairiewood, Smithfield, Fairfield, Eastern Creek, Erskine Park, Arndell Park, Rooty Hill, St Clair, Minchinbury or picked up in-store at Horsley Park or picked up in-store at Horsley Park.