Pastels Designer Bouquet
No need to know what their favourite flower is as long as you know they love softer, pastel colours. We'll do the rest and make the perfect gift bouquet up for you. All of the thought and love without any of the hassle of flower selection. Just leave it up to us! You know our work, you know we love creating flower bouquets and you know we're going to make something gorgeous for you. Each day we get our hands on some seriously amazing market fresh flowers and we'll choose the freshest and most stunning combination of blooms to pop into your Designers selection. You can choose from one of our three different sizes.
Designer Bouquet Delivered
Studio: will fit nicely in a medium - large sized vase and is great for an every day bouquet.
Executive: will fit nicely in a large sized vase adds some more flowers to your bouquet when you need it to be just that little bit more and you want to wow them!
Regal: will fit into an extra large vase and is is our largest size in this range.It's the perfect choice if you want to go all out and tell them just how special they are!!!
Delivery same day to most suburbs Sydney metro, Horsley Park, Bossley Park, Edensor Park, Wetherill Park, St John's Park, Middleton Grange, Smithfield, Fairfield, Eastern Creek, Erskine Park, Arndell Park, Rooty Hill, St Clair, Minchinbury or picked up in-store at Horsley Park or picked up in-store at Horsley Park.