A vase full of Australian grown Roses fragrant roses that stands proud and tall as it enters the room and will definitely provide you with Wow Factor! It's carefully arranged together with a selection of lush foliage that includes eucalyptus gum, magnolia and a sprig of something else that's both lush and will make it complete! It's a vase full of fragrance and beauty!! The perfect choice that will take that special someone's breath away!!
You have a choice of three sizes to choose from Studio (Pictured) which has 20 stems of Roses, Executive, 30 Stems and Regal, 40 stems. Regardless of which size you choose to order, the vase is included. It's made ready to go, all you need to do is place it on a table and enjoy the PURE BLISS it brings!!
Remember changing the vase water completely every couple of days will always extend the life of your beautiful flowers.
Delivery same day to most suburbs Sydney metro, Horsley Park, Bossley Park, Edensor Park, Wetherill Park, St John's Park, Mt Pritchard, Middleton Grange, Prairiewood, Smithfield, Fairfield, Eastern Creek, Erskine Park, Arndell Park, Rooty Hill, St Clair, Minchinbury or picked up in-store at Horsley Park or picked up in-store at Horsley Park.