Sunflower Bouquet
Brighten your day with a beautiful sunflower bouquet from Seed Blossom Pod. Sunflowers are the happy flower!! They will definitely brighten your day and bring a smile to all. Beautifully presented in our signature wrapping made to look a million dollars!!
They are available in three sizes; Studio (10 stems), Executive (15) or go nuts with the Regal (20)
Sunflower bouquet, same day delivery**
Same day delivery Sydney (most), Horsley Park, Mt Vernon, Abbotsbury, Cecil Hills, Bossley Park, Edensor Park, Cecil Park, Wetherill Park, Austral, St John's Park, Hoxton Park, Bonnyrigg, Bonnyrigg Heights, Prairiewood, Smithfield, Fairfield, Fairfiled West, Yennora, Canley Vale, Canley Heights, Cabramatta, Warwick Farm, Chipping Norton, Kemps Creek, Eastern Creek, Erskine Park, Rooty Hill, Minchinbury, St Clair, Mt Druitt, Emerton, Colebee, St Mary's, Huntingwood, Arndell Park, Plumpton, Glendenning, Oakhurst, Acacia Gardens, Kings Park, Maryong, Woodcroft, Doonside, Bungarribee, Blacktown, Prospect, Quakers Hill, Seven Hills, Toongabbie, Girraween, Pemulway, Greystanes, Merrylands, Westmead, Parramatta, Mt Pritchard, Hinchinbrook, Elizabeth Hills, Middleton Grange, Carnes Hill, Horningsea Park, Prestons, Green Valley, Busby, Liverpool, Casula, Badgery's Creek, Edmondson Park, Willowdale, Leppington, Denham Court, Emerald Hills, Catherine Fields, Gledwood Hills, Gregory Hills, Oran Park, Raby, Smeaton Grange, Narellan, Penrith or you can Pick Up in-store @ Horsley Park.
Order online now or call us on 02 9620 1400 and one of our friendly team members will assist you with your enquiry!!!
* Asterix denotes normally available in 2 sizes however during peak times, will only be available in size pictured only.
** Asterix denotes Same Day Delivery when you order before 12pm, however during peak times (ie. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter and Christmas) this may a can change WITHOUT NOTICE.If you can't select the same day for delivery, try calling us on 9620 1400 if and where possible, we may be able to accomodate your request.
Note: All efforts are made to replicate exactly what's shown in the picture, however some flower varieties may differ from time to time due to seasonal avaialabilty. The colour palette and style will not be altered or changed unless requested by the customer.
Same day Pick Up in-store @ Horsley Park when you order before 4pm - ORDER ONLINE or Call 9620 1400